A bit of madness and a pinch of oblivion. How to build a sense of happiness?

How to help your child experience joy. (Robert Collins / unsplash.com)

What influences our sense of happiness? About 50% is determined genetically. Life circumstances and what happens to us in life, constitutes for about 10%. The remaining 40% are things we can influence. Whether or not we feel happy largely depends on what we think about ourselves and about relationships. What’s also important is whether we feel that we have an impact on how we live. Therefore, the building blocks of happiness are: small and great joys, e.g. high fives, cheerful jumps or loud laughter; fulfilment of dreams and plans, but also moments of self-oblivion and enjoyable time spent with our loved ones. However, what counts is the meaning we attach to these moments. Happiness needs assistance, so start today with some exercises.

A heart full of joy

Prepare cards with drawn hearts for everyone in the family. Talk about times when you feel good. What makes you happy? Fill your hearts with your answers – write them down or draw them, whichever you prefer. Hang your hearts in a visible place. Let them remind you of your sources of joy and what they mean to you.

What gives you wings

Is there anything you put your whole heart into? Watch a short film about the passion for ballet of a boy named Byron, who lives in the slums of Nairobi. Let this be the starting point for talking to your child about how the characters of the film might feel and what might make them feel that way. Think about whether you have to be a master at something to enjoy doing it. Do you ever do anything that gives you great pleasure and it doesn’t matter if you’re the best at it? Why is that so? Do you ever want to share what you enjoy with others? Together, do what makes you happy.


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How can we bring joy to other people?

It is not only our happiness and our joys that matter, but also the happiness and joy of others. Ask yourself:

When are other people happy?

How can we tell?

How can we bring joy to our loved ones and other people?

Make a list of things you enjoy. Look for common sources of joy. You can prepare vouchers that you can give to each other as gifts, when someone is in need of a boost. Since our sense of happiness is influenced by our approach to life, it’s worth remembering that even the most difficult situations will eventually pass. Let’s collect good moments and come back to them in our minds and break away from what is bad. Let’s build our mental resilience, to be able to refer to our resources and inner strength when necessary.


All source materials are prepared by the team of Kulczyk Foundation’s Education Department in cooperation with teachers and experts – pedagogists, psychologists and cultural experts – and verified by an experienced family therapist Kamila Becker. Kinga Kuszak, PhD, Professor of Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Educational Studies, provides content-related supervision over Kulczyk Foundation’s educational materials. All materials are covered by the content patronage of the Faculty of Educational Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University.

The article was published on 11.05.2020 on the website of Instytut Dobrego Życia (Good Life Institute)

Authors: Marta Tomaszewska (Kulczyk Foundation) and Anna Woźniak (Instytut Dobrego Życia)