Understanding Trumps Profit

Career Cycle

If men gave birth, had periods, raised children, the world would be...

A more peaceful place. There would be fewer wars, and more tolerance, respect for life and more understanding.

Women are heads of large corporations less often, so business still...

Puts profit in the first place. There is no ethics, no long-term perspectives, no consideration of the fact that business is responsible for how our world is shaped and what it looks like.

When I hear the term ‘a working woman’...

I simply see myself. I gave birth to and raised three children, and never once did I interrupt my professional duties. I managed to juggle it all. I think my children were raised by a happy mother.

Are women the weaker sex? When I hear this...

I see women who visit me in my office who are powerless, lacking institutional support, financial support, left to fend for themselves, sometimes having to take care of children. Then I think the many strong women in the world should take even more care of the very vulnerable ones.

Careers are most hampered for women...

By stereotyped thinking that they cannot make it, that they are worth less. It is important to break such stereotypes most especially in women.

If I could introduce one regulation to encourage women to be professionally active, it would be...

An opportunity for moms caring for children with disabilities to work fewer hours, while retaining their current benefits.

What impresses me about the women I work with is...

Their amazing organisation, diligence, reliability and the fact that in a work-filled day that seems to be 20 hours long, they are able to find time for everything: their duties, their children, their own passions.

In order to empower women in my company, I decided that...

Every woman who takes a maternity or childcare leave, can return to employment suited to her qualifications and interests.

What I would most like to hear from my female employees...

It’s nice to have a female boss!

Menstruation at work is still a taboo...

Not necessarily. At least not in my workplace.


Read more about the programme: www.cyklkariery.pl 


Interview by Anna Zaleska
Picture: unsplash.com
The text was published at gazetaprawna.pl on 18 February 2022