Holidays full of good from Kulczyk Foundation!

Let this be a moment to catch your breath. Everyone will need it after a year of hard work, which for us was also full of challenges:
we organized the Malta Festival which gathered 30,000 participants and 500 artists from 20 countries
we launched a pilot program together with the Ministry of National Education, as part of which 500 schools in Poland will receive 1,700,000 free menstrual products
we published a new report where you can learn, among other things, that as many as 42% of women in the perimenopausal period consider changing or limiting their previous professional engagement
we conducted the second edition of the Równowaga (Balance) competition, Women-friendly company of the year, in which over 100 companies participated
we are running the 9th edition of the Yellow Plate program, as part of which we have already given over 10 million meals to children
we continued and started new international projects. We recommend the Sestry Magazine, which we support, in which Polish and Ukrainian journalists write about war, life in exile, and the culture of Poland and Ukraine. This year we also worked together with local organizations in the Gambia, Tanzania and Nepal. The total number of countries in which we conduct our activities has already exceeded 60.
We wish you and ourselves as much good as possible. Let small, kind gestures be like the first dominoes, which, when moved, make the world a better place to live.