I look into the eyes of the dead

Before I close their eyelids, I try to imagine what or who they saw for the last time. Interview with Agnieszka Beczek by Izabela O’Sullivan

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Surrogates give birth quietly

“To ensure the future of their own children, they choose to give birth to someone else’s.” Interview with Jakub Korus*, journalist, author of the book “Surogatki” [“Surrogates”]

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Blood is a secret

Three words caught Michał’s attention – “bloody vaginal discharge”. He read that all women have it. He went to ask the neighbour next door about it

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A successful man is liked. A female president is considered haughty and self-righteous

At the end of 2020, women constituted 15% of the governing bodies of 140 of the largest Polish listed companies, and only 4% were in the position of president.

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Menstruation is okay!

Most Netflix shows that teenagers watch have blood in them. On the screen it is exciting and boosts entertainment. And suddenly there is menstrual blood that is dirty that needs to be hidden, ideally it should even be blue. It is incredible that the blood of violence is more “sexy” than the one that gives life.

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