Menstruation without a filter

Once, the poet Rupi Kaur posted a picture of underwear soiled with menstrual blood on her profile, and Instagram quickly deleted it. Today, algorithms are more tolerant of photos of blood-stained panties and pads. What about us?

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We maintain menstrual taboos ourselves. It’s in good taste to complain about your period. Interview with artist Iza Moczarna.

We often think of menstruation as a time when we are weak, emotionally unstable, unavailable, not the way we “should” be

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Late Motherhood. “I had two children in my 40s. People talk, but so what?”

Late motherhood has more pros than cons. “Above all, you appreciate this gift of fate more. The baggage of life experiences makes you gain some perspective, but at the same time allows you to enjoy many things a lot more.”

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Secrets and Lies in a Relationship

There are no taboos in healthy, strong relationships. However, a situation in which one person is an investigator and the other is being interrogated has nothing to do with closeness.

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Beauty Trap

Living in the belief that beauty is her greatest asset, a woman becomes its prisoner.

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