I am a woman

“I’ve been stuck in a loop for years. Subconsciously, I was so addicted to a difficult situation that motivated me to act that I brought down disasters upon myself.” 

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Hope in times of plague

What do we miss now, what are we waiting for, what can help us survive? And why, instead of repeating: “It’s gonna be beautiful, it’s gonna be normal again,” we’d be better off just singing: “Don’t give up”? 

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It is enough just to be good

Evil has always happened, but in the past, when someone shot someone in the United States, we did not find out about it

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I am irritated by comments such as: “Come on, let it go!”

I came to the conclusion that this infamous not letting go can sometimes be women’s struggle for a good, worthwhile life

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A district of great hopes

They produce handbags, textiles, toys, masks and visors, and they provide services. Our women are not satisfied with helping, they become entrepreneurs

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