I make money, he cleans

My mum made me get married when I was 16. Now I can decide for myself. I’m in love with a Ukrainian workman and I intend to be happy.

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I need to be useful. But what do you do when your services are unwanted?

How do I know if my help does any good towards my life and the lives of those whom I want to help?

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If you want a good future for your daughter, don’t keep her from playing with toy cars

I know that online magazines publish various gift guides on what will make an excellent birthday present for a boy and a girl, but it’s absurd. Gender has no significance whatsoever. After all, it does not determine what we play with.

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The eleventh commandment: ask. A recipe for smart help

A 27-year-old woman gave birth to her baby in mid-July at the Teaching Hospital in Białystok. Just several hours after delivery, she asked to be discharged from hospital with her baby Anastasia. Her home was a dozen or so kilometres away and she was in a hurry. She gave no explanations. Nobody came to pick her up.

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The red high heels won't disappear

“During the lockdown, I wore a tracksuit and I started carrying a backpack instead of a handbag. I felt like I was on a mission. I figured that I would survive since I had my backpack, a mask and comfortable shoes.” Interview with Inga Iwasiów – a writer and specialist in literature

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