Charisma is a gift? Nothing could be further from the truth

We should not be slaves to stereotypes and myths. Let's free bodies and thoughts. Courage, charisma, brilliance are skills that need to be practiced.

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Staś's long hair

The most important thing for a child is what they see at home. This is how I raise my son in the spirit of equality.

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Compliments or no terms of endearment?

“You look good in that blouse, as it hides what should be hidden", "If you put on a little weight, you'd look beautiful". Many compliments cause more embarrassment than pleasure.

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There's nothing left you can hurt me with

Our body absorbs everything we experience. The body remembers everything. A conversation with Anna Dziewit-Meller about her new novel "From one Luciper" and life in general.

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Do not scare the hairdresser

After gardeners and florists, hairdressers are the happiest workers in the world. Where do you get the courage to start your own business and run it?

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