Colombia-Venezuela, CPUV


Venezuela is a country that, as a result of dictatorship, has been plunged into a deep humanitarian crisis. About 90% of the population live on the verge of extreme poverty. Shops have run out of food. Some schools and hospitals have closed down. A humanitarian crisis on such a large scale, combined with the current political crisis, can turn into a civil war.

The Simón Bolívar bridge located on the border between Venezuela and Colombia, called the bridge of desperation by the media, has become a symbol of the exodus of refugees from Venezuela. At present, the Colombian-Venezuelan border is where the largest migration movement in Latin America takes place. In January 2019, when this episode of the ‘Domino Effect’ was filmed, tens of thousands of Venezuelans crossed the Simón Bolívar bridge every day.

The largest number of Venezuelan refugees pass through the city of Cúcuta in Colombia. For the majority, it is a stop on their way, but some try to start a new life here.

Many Venezuelan refugees are headed to the capital of Colombia, Bogotá. To arrive there, they have to travel more than 500 km. Some go further, to Ecuador, Perú, or even Chile. Part of the road leads through the Andes. Since most people cannot afford any transportation, they have to walk.


The Venezuelan NGO Comparte por una vida (CPUV) carries out feeding programmes in schools and hospitals. One of the facilities participating in CPUV’s feeding programmes is the La Frontera school, where more than 500 Venezuelan children learn. Those most in need receive support from the organisation, thanks to which 100 children can have a meal at school. It is their basic meal during the day, often their only meal during the day.


Kulczyk Foundation provided Comparte por una vida with funds for:

  • Armando Reverón (Venezuela) school feeding programme,
  • La Frontera (Colombia) school feeding programme,
  • support for refugees from Venezuela in Colombia – beneficiaries of CPUV Colombia,
  • a shop located by the Cúcuta-Pamplona road, providing assistance to Venezuelan refugees.

“I came here with a suitcase packed full with illusions, hope and faith”, confesses María, one of the many people who had to abandon their homes.

“I had to leave my entire family and my friends behind, and start a whole new life. Everything was supposed to be different. And by different, I mean better”, says Jheyde, María’s daughter.

“We would rummage through the rubbish for any secondary raw materials, any waste that could be sold. I smuggled goods for sale across the border, sold sweets, lollipops. We were hungry, we slept anywhere and everywhere, on bare ground. We had no money, my brother and I, so we had to beg on the streets. We’ve experienced a very difficult life”, says Jheyde, Maria’s daughter.

“This is a humanitarian crisis. Our children are starving. Our children are dying. Our mothers have nowhere to go to give birth. They have no access to prenatal testing”, notes Elia Lovera, founder of the Comparte por una vida Colombia organisation.

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Comparte por una vida (CPUV)

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Our documentaries shine a light on community problems in different parts of the world, and present organisations and local unsung heros who benefit from our support. In Poland, the Domino Effect TV series is created in cooperation with TVN - the largest private television in Poland. Through this work, we are able to reach those who might have never heard about a specific issue or the way in which they can help. This partnership results in a number of long form documentaries, which have been recognised at international film festivals. As part of our partnership with the CNN Freedom Project, we also produce a series of documentaries for English speaking audience. The series explores the issues of modern slavery and human trafficking, and is regularly broadcast on CNN International.

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Since the beginning of its existence, the Kulczyk Foundation has been working to shape the socio-emotional competences of children and adolescents. We prepare unique lesson plans adapted to various stages of education. These focus on explainining the complex world of universal values and emotions, encourage reflection and the ability to draw conclusions. Ultimately help to build knowledge about ourselves and the world, and to shape attitudes towards the reality that surrounds us. As part of this commitement, we also provide workshops, conferences for teachers and faculty staff. We believe that wise education, implemented in a spirit of freedom and empathy, is a basic component of sustainable development for every human being, as well as a chance for a good start in adult life. No matter where they are from.

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Our documentaries shine a light on community problems in different parts of the world, and present organisations and local unsung heros who benefit from our support. In Poland, the Domino Effect TV series is created in cooperation with TVN - the largest private television in Poland. Through this work, we are able to reach those who might have never heard about a specific issue or the way in which they can help. This partnership results in a number of long form documentaries, which have been recognised at international film festivals. As part of our partnership with the CNN Freedom Project, we also produce a series of documentaries for English speaking audience. The series explores the issues of modern slavery and human trafficking, and is regularly broadcast on CNN International.

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Educational programs

Since the beginning of its existence, the Kulczyk Foundation has been working to shape the socio-emotional competences of children and adolescents. We prepare unique lesson plans adapted to various stages of education. These focus on explainining the complex world of universal values and emotions, encourage reflection and the ability to draw conclusions. Ultimately help to build knowledge about ourselves and the world, and to shape attitudes towards the reality that surrounds us. As part of this commitement, we also provide workshops, conferences for teachers and faculty staff. We believe that wise education, implemented in a spirit of freedom and empathy, is a basic component of sustainable development for every human being, as well as a chance for a good start in adult life. No matter where they are from.

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