According to the 2020 study conducted by Difference, commissioned by the Kulczyk Foundation, one in five female students misses class due to lack of proper menstrual hygiene products.
In the school year 2021/2022, the programme “Sanitary pads at school for every girl” was extended to 96 primary and secondary schools from all over Poland. They were provided with a year’s supply of sanitary pads for schoolgirls. In addition, a “Kulczyk Foundation Volunteer Service” was established at each participating school, through which the schoolgirls promoted awareness of menstruation. In doing so, they sought to de-taboo the topic among their fellow students. The teachers, in turn, received specially developed educational materials on puberty and menstruation, which they discussed with students during lessons and form periods.
The second edition of the programme is being implemented in the school year 2022/2023. This time, 224 schools from all over Poland are participating in the programme, receiving a total of more than 1.6 million sanitary pads. Just like during the first edition, the students are volunteering to spread awareness about menstruation-related topics. They are doing this under the supervision of teachers selected to coordinate the programme at the individual schools. In turn, the educational materials on puberty and menstruation have been enriched with new content that is covered during lessons and form periods in all schools taking part in the programme.