Thailand – Development and Education Programme for Daughters and Communities Centre in the Greater Mekong Subregion (DEPDC/GMS)

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  • Thailand – Development and Education Programme for Daughters and Communities Centre in the Greater Mekong Subregion (DEPDC/GMS)


Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia with a population of 68 million. The Mekong River valley where Thailand borders Myanmar and Laos is inhabited by ethnic minorities. Many of the people who live in this part of Thailand do not have Thai citizenship. They often live in extreme poverty and have no access to medical care or education.

There are families sending their children to work in big cities unaware of the accompanied risks. Then, there are some families that decide to sell their children into slavery. Tens of thousands of children from northern Thailand are forced into prostitution. Girls as young as five years old are already sold off to work in brothels in Bangkok and other cities.

Many people derive considerable financial benefits from forced labour of children. In return for selling a child the family receives the equivalent of several hundred dollars, the middleman earns up to a hundred dollars per child, and the village leader gets a profit, too.


The Development and Education Programme for Daughters and Communities Centre in the Greater Mekong Subregion organisation (DEPDC/GMS) has been operating since 1989 in northern Thailand, where it helps children at risk of human trafficking, including sex trafficking. DEPDC/GMS tries to prevent this practice by providing its beneficiaries with access to education, trainings in life skills and vocational skills, as well as shelter and accommodation. The organisation also supports the families of its beneficiaries and communities in need, making them aware of the dangers that arise from sending children to work in big cities and of the importance of education in their lives.

The founder of DEPDC/GMS is Sompop Jantraka, who devoted his life to the fight against human trafficking and forced child and youth labour. Among other activities, DEPDC/GMS runs the Half Day School, whose curriculum includes both pre-kindergarten groups and five classes of primary school. The vast majority of pupils come from ethnic minorities and immigrant families. At the facility, children learn Thai and English, as well as mathematics, history, geography, nature studies, and fine arts. They also acquire practical skills in, among others, plant cultivation, cooking, sewing, and repairing various objects, thanks to which they have a chance to find a job after graduation.


Kulczyk Foundation supported DEPDC/GMS by donating funds for:

  • construction of field irrigation systems,
  • purchase of new agricultural tools and seeds,
  • renovation and equipment of selected DEPDC/GMS buildings.
Dominika Kulczyk

When a child becomes a source of income, it pays the price of lost childhood.

Check where the Domino Effect was launched

Social awareness programs

Our aid projects help us understand the problems the modern world is facing. Our documentaires and educational programs drive change across societies .


Our documentaries shine a light on community problems in different parts of the world, and present organisations and local unsung heros who benefit from our support. In Poland, the Domino Effect TV series is created in cooperation with TVN - the largest private television in Poland. Through this work, we are able to reach those who might have never heard about a specific issue or the way in which they can help. This partnership results in a number of long form documentaries, which have been recognised at international film festivals. As part of our partnership with the CNN Freedom Project, we also produce a series of documentaries for English speaking audience. The series explores the issues of modern slavery and human trafficking, and is regularly broadcast on CNN International.

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Educational programs

Since the beginning of its existence, the Kulczyk Foundation has been working to shape the socio-emotional competences of children and adolescents. We prepare unique lesson plans adapted to various stages of education. These focus on explainining the complex world of universal values and emotions, encourage reflection and the ability to draw conclusions. Ultimately help to build knowledge about ourselves and the world, and to shape attitudes towards the reality that surrounds us. As part of this commitement, we also provide workshops, conferences for teachers and faculty staff. We believe that wise education, implemented in a spirit of freedom and empathy, is a basic component of sustainable development for every human being, as well as a chance for a good start in adult life. No matter where they are from.

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Our documentaries shine a light on community problems in different parts of the world, and present organisations and local unsung heros who benefit from our support. In Poland, the Domino Effect TV series is created in cooperation with TVN - the largest private television in Poland. Through this work, we are able to reach those who might have never heard about a specific issue or the way in which they can help. This partnership results in a number of long form documentaries, which have been recognised at international film festivals. As part of our partnership with the CNN Freedom Project, we also produce a series of documentaries for English speaking audience. The series explores the issues of modern slavery and human trafficking, and is regularly broadcast on CNN International.

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Educational programs

Since the beginning of its existence, the Kulczyk Foundation has been working to shape the socio-emotional competences of children and adolescents. We prepare unique lesson plans adapted to various stages of education. These focus on explainining the complex world of universal values and emotions, encourage reflection and the ability to draw conclusions. Ultimately help to build knowledge about ourselves and the world, and to shape attitudes towards the reality that surrounds us. As part of this commitement, we also provide workshops, conferences for teachers and faculty staff. We believe that wise education, implemented in a spirit of freedom and empathy, is a basic component of sustainable development for every human being, as well as a chance for a good start in adult life. No matter where they are from.

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