Spring cleaning at home and in your head. How to check the division of roles in the family?

A new situation, new responsibilities, new... mess. The situation in which we find ourselves and, more to the point, the need to combine many responsibilities, can be tiring. Especially since the circumstances for their fulfilment are more difficult. It’s time to clean up! We’re proposing activities that will help you gain perspective, analyse your roles and the way you perceive them.


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Instead of dos and don’ts – set the rules together. How to create safe frameworks and rituals in the family?

We stay home day after day. This time shows us how we deal with relationships with our loved ones. Can we get along or are there conflicts? And if so, why? It might be worth thinking about new rules that will help everyone feel safe.


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Jokes are like brain gymnastics. Thanks to them we don’t take ourselves too seriously and therefore we feel better

Perspective, light-heartedness, a different point of view – this is what a few jokes can give us. So let yourself be amused and surprised on April Fools' Day. It makes our mind go off a beaten track, it makes us think creatively, outside the box. Children love joking around, so it’s worth letting them show off today. How do we do that? Here are some ideas.


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A board for family adventures and a list of new challenges. How to creatively organise a day at home with children?

We had to face a completely new situation. We are all at home, all the time. Most of us are starting to feel tired of the repetitiveness of days. So how can we help ourselves and our fellow household members organise our days whilst at the same time introducing some fun into our lives? Here are our suggestions:


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