False information causes real fear. How to not go crazy from all the news?

There’s a coronavirus pandemic in the world, but we’re also witnessing an “infodemic”, i.e. a flood of false or unconfirmed information. Such made-up news creates information chaos and, consequently, may cause fear and anxiety. So, let’s turn our critical thinking on and talk to our children about the fact that not every piece of news must be reliable.


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We are all similar yet we differ beautifully. How to talk to a child about belonging to a group and having a sense of individuality?

Family is a community that gives us strength. We can do more together than alone. But a family consists of individuals, who are often very different from each other. We form a community, but we’re different too. This is our greatest strength. Especially now, when we feel lost and overwhelmed by the uncertainty of tomorrow.

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Do you miss someone? It means that this person is close to you. How should you deal with the absence of those who are important to us, during the holidays?

This year’s Easter will be different from the previous ones. We won’t visit our loved ones and we’ll probably miss them very much. Let’s allow ourselves to feel longing. It tells us who is important to us and what we really miss about our “previous” life.


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It’s only those who do nothing that make no mistakes. How can you help children make their own decisions?

Where we, adults, see the “impossible, unprofitable, unimportant”, children think and ponder, sometimes coming up with surprising solutions. Now is the time when our and their ingenuity matters even more. Let’s give children space to create new solutions and let’s not be afraid of making mistakes. It’s a natural part of learning and problem solving.


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