
A bit of madness and a pinch of oblivion. How to build a sense of happiness?

“Happy birthday”. Who hasn’t heard such wishes? The question is how to ensure this happiness. Instead of waiting for it to come, you can take matters into your own hands.


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Feel stronger, experience deeper. Mindfulness exercises for the whole family

“Stop. Take a rest,” says the world. Instead of fighting the situation that we have come to live in, let’s use the time we’re given. When we do something slower, we can focus better and see things that have eluded us so far. So, let’s give ourselves the opportunity to live in the present and rediscover the world around us.


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I miss you because I love you. Every emotion has its cause. How to learn to read them?

Sadness, anger, fear and shame are all emotions that we don’t like experiencing. And yet there are no better or worse emotions. Some may be difficult for us, but they are all necessary. Why do we need longing and sadness?


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Leave it, I’ll do it myself! Do you want your child to be proud of themselves? Let them act

Independence requires trials and, therefore, inevitable mistakes. However, it’s great to see a child who ties their shoelaces triumphantly. By doing something by themselves, children build their self-esteem and feel agency.


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