Why would women be ‘weak’?

‘A career should never clash with motherhood and femininity. It should be the goal of all employers and legislators to facilitate alignment of these areas of life’, said Jacek Olechowski, CEO of MEDIACAP, without a shadow of doubt.

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We are cyclical – and can be proud of it. The weaker sex? Try again.

‘We should take a close look at our companies and think whether we would really like out mother, sister or daughter to work there’, asked Dominika Kulczyk in our questionnaire. The President of the Kulczyk Foundation and Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Polenergia is the initiator of the ‘Career Cycle’ programme. In the following issues of Gazeta Prawna, we will be asking CEOs and owners of companies that join the campaign about the issue of gender equality and what hinders women’s careers today.

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When your employee... is a woman. Launch of the ‘Career Cycle’

More than half of men say it is inappropriate to mention menstruation at work. Almost three-quarters of women hide their menstrual pad on their way to the bathroom. Menstruation at work is still a huge taboo and a real problem for working women. A group of employers decided to meet their needs.

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