Feminisation of poverty. In Poland, poverty has the face of a woman. It is often a girl’s face.

There is a category in unemployment statistics: “long-term unemployed” and it includes people unemployed for a year and for several years. While researching this problem several years ago for a project on the feminisation of poverty in Lodz, I discovered that 52 years of age is the limit of employment for a woman. Interview with Izabela Desperak, PhD, sociologist

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Menstruation without a filter

Once, the poet Rupi Kaur posted a picture of underwear soiled with menstrual blood on her profile, and Instagram quickly deleted it. Today, algorithms are more tolerant of photos of blood-stained panties and pads. What about us?

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Portraits of women with pads

You sit on the ground because you’re unclean. The blood soaks into the sand like into a sanitary pad.

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We maintain menstrual taboos ourselves. It’s in good taste to complain about your period. Interview with artist Iza Moczarna.

We often think of menstruation as a time when we are weak, emotionally unstable, unavailable, not the way we “should” be

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