Mea vulva

The purpose of vulva massage is not pleasure, although pleasure may occur. Interview with Kamila Raczyńska-Chomyn

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Sex is not just about having an orgasm

“We use our bodies, we are unable to set limits for ourselves and others, by saying: I don’t feel like having sex. Because sex has to be frequent.” Interview with Patrycja Wonatowska, sexologist and therapist

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We prefer not to talk about a stool in the bathroom

There are health problems that women do not talk about out of shame. I had a patient who had been suffering from stress urinary incontinence for seven years before making an appointment. Women, stop being ashamed and help yourselves.

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I cannot tell my daughter how a person feels when menstruating, but I know where to buy tampons or pads, and that sometimes you need painkillers.

W Chile poszliśmy do ginekologa. Rozmawialiśmy też z położną. Powiedziała: „Ty już jesteś ojcem”. Kontynuowaliśmy swoją podróż. A ja zaczynałem swoją podróż w ojcostwo.

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