Jan Kulczyk Scholarships awarded

- The University of Adam Mickiewicz is a special place for my family. My father was a graduate of this university. It was him who always told us that education means freedom as it opens up new opportunities – says Dominika Kulczyk. – UAM is also my alma mater. I chose beautiful yet hard studies – Sinology. For me as a humanist it was an enormous challenge, because although it is philological studies, studying was no less demanding than in science studies – President of Kulczyk Foundation says. – For over two decades my family has had an honor to take part in the project whose participants are young people who love studying, giving themselves an opportunity for development and freedom thanks to education – she adds.
Beautiful tradition
Respect for education, and understanding its importance for the development of the young generation – has been a family tradition since 1999, expressed by awarding scholarships to UAM’s students and PhD students for their excellent academic results, outstanding scientific achievements, and activity for the University (students’ difficult financial situation may also be taken into account). Since 2014, scholarships have also been awarded to Ukrainian students of UAM who, in addition to high average grades, can boast of outstanding scientific achievements, engagement in university life, social and cultural activities, and knowledge of several foreign languages.
Between 1999 and 2023, students and doctoral students received scholarships worth more than PLN 3.8 million. The scholarship competition is the result of cooperation between the Kulczyk Foundation and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Adam Mickiewicz University Foundation.
The competition winners represent various fields from exact sciences through natural sciences to humanities, but what they have in common is their passion for science, determination, and pursuing their dreams through hard work.
After examining the submitted applications, the competition jury of the Jan Kulczyk Scholarships selected four winners among Ph.D. students and four among other students on December 11, 2023.
Solemnly and joyfully
The profiles of the scholarship competition winners were presented at the ceremony with the participation of the UAM Rector prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska, president of the UAM Foundation prof. Hieronim Maciejewski and Dr. Aleksander Broda representing the Kulczyk Foundation. The vice-rector prof. Joanna Wójcik made the presentation, after which the scholarship holders received their diplomas and expressed their joy at the distinction of being among the winners.
Izabela Sobczak deals with contemporary women’s prose – how modern writers refer to modernist literature at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and how they try to tell their own experiences using these references.
- I am planning to go to the University of Sussex in the UK soon, the scholarship will help me carry out research there on a larger scale – she says.
Sisters Roksolana and Andriana came from Ukraine to Poland to study and are studying Ukrainian philology at Adam Mickiewicz University.
- We want to connect our lives with our country and philology, which is very close to us – explains Roksolana.
- The fact that we were awarded the scholarship for studying and we devoted a lot of time to it is a great honor for us and an important event in our life, we are extremely happy – Adriana adds talking about the scholarship they both received.
- It is great motivation to try even harder – confirms Roksolana.
Both sisters appreciate the opportunity to study at the Adam Mickiewicz University and the atmosphere her thanks to which they do not feel like strangers in Poland but like part of the family.
PhD students:
- Mgr Magdalena Bogucewicz from the Doctoral School of Social Sciences (science of politics and administration),
- Mgr Igor Gontarz from the Doctoral School of Social Sciences (legal sciences),
- Mgr Izabela Sobczak from the Doctoral School of Language and Literature Sciences (literary studies),
- Mgr Michał Zacharysiewicz from the Doctoral School of Natural Sciences (biological sciences)
- Natalia Adamska from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (major: mathematics),
- Jakub Łojko from the Faculty of History (major: history),
- Julia Perła from the Faculty of Physics (major: astronomy),
- Karol Wapniarski from the faculty of Philosophy (major: philosophy).
After examining the submitted applications, the competition jury of the Jan Kulczyk Scholarships for UAM – the citizens of Ukraine - selected 11 winners among the students of the first and second cycles of uniform master’s studies.
Students of first-cycle studies:
- Anastasiia Datsyshyn from the Faculty of Educational Studies (major: pedagogy),
- Oleh Ryzhov from the Faculty of Physics (major: astronomy),
- Ganna Verbovetska from the Faculty of Arts Science (major: history of art).
Students of second-cycle studies:
- Jelyzaveta Bulhakova from the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology (major: Polish filology),
- Yuliia Klymenko from the Faculty of Modern Languages (major: applied linguistics),
- Vladyslav Krachenko from the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism (major: audiovisual production),
- Alona Mintianska from the Faculty of Chemistry (major: chemistry),
- Andriana Myroniuk from the Faculty of Modern Languages (major: East Slavic filology),
- Roksolana Myroniuk from the Faculty of Modern Languages (major: East Slavic filology),
- Kateryna Petrushevska from the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology (major: Polish filology),
- Kateryna Shpahina from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Art (major: artistic education in fine arts).