Malawi – The Domino Effect

International projects

Malawi is one of the inglorious group of ten states with the highest mortality due to AIDS. In this little country, many people are not even aware they are infected. Unknowingly, they spread the virus to others. As a result, Malawi has a high share of a frightening statistic. Each day over 7,000 people in the world contract the HIV virus, while about 5,000 die because of AIDS-related diseases.

When parents pass away in Malawi, they leave behind children who are also infected with the deadly virus. Fortunately, the state has introduced more diagnostic programs and free treatment. Gradually, people are changing their mentality but the deadly brunt borne by the previous generation will never be atoned for.

In the episode, you will get to know a 16-year-old boy, John Samson, who lost both parents at the age of 5. They died of AIDS. For many years, John was homeless and suffered from AIDS. He had to fight for medication himself. And he wanted to live so badly. Like a normal child!

Today he is a pupil at a school for orphans run by the Jacaranda Foundation, led by the amazing married couple of Mary and Luc. At school, the children’s dreams come true, and trauma is left at the school’s doorstep. Kulczyk Foundation funded a renovation of a building for a future bakery for the vocational school. The school is run as part of a free education system by the Jacaranda Foundation. The meeting between Dominika Kulczyk and the pupils was indeed a moving event.

We kindly invite you to watch the episode available in Polish at:,1991/odcinek-1,malawi-dzien-w-ktorym-mialem-najlepsze-ubranie,S03E01,58773.html


One million PLN to support women. The 2nd Edition of the Grant Programme has been launched

The Polish-Ukrainian Sisterhood, which include, among others Henryka Bochniarz, Iryna Deszczyca, Agnieszka Holland, Dominika Kulczyk, Olga Tokarczuk and Oksana Zabużko are launching the 2nd Edition of the "Hi Girls!" Grant Programme. The women's coalition will decide who will receive the next million zlotys to help women and children from Ukraine.

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Almost 1,000 women and children at workshops at our "Hi Girls!" Centre

Nearly 1,000 people took part in the workshops organised by the Help Centre for Women from Ukraine called "Hi Girls!". They included Polish language courses, integration, information, and support meetings. Some of the meetings are co-organised with the Ukrainian House.

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We financed summer camps for children from Ukraine in Marki near Warsaw

The "Ukrainian Summer in Warsaw", that is summer camps for children from Ukraine, has ended. They were organised by the Educational Center Children of Ukraine Foundation. The Foundation provides education to children who were forced to leave their homeland due to the war. The camps were financed by the "Hi Girls!" Grant Programme.

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