Chemotherapy doesn’t have to mean the end of dreams of motherhood. Ovarian tissue can be removed and frozen

Interview with Dr Joanna Kufel-Grabowska, who deals with the treatment of young women diagnosed with breast cancer at the Poznań University Hospital of the Lord’s Transfiguration. She is also a board member of the Polish Cancer League.

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‘To work on the pelvic floor, sometimes I have to address the base of the skull first’

Women are constantly faced with the myth that ‘it hurts because that’s the way we are’. I always tell them, ‘If that’s what your doctor tells you, change your doctor’. Interview with Ewelina Tyszko-Bury

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Club of exes. ‘She tried to warn me about him. I thought she was doing it out of jealousy’

We turned from rivals to sisters in suffering. Fortunately, we both got over him

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Are men programmed to live shorter lives?

Eight years. Almost three thousand days to live. Of all the differences between men and women, this one is the largest in Poland.

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Entrepreneurship for teenagers. ‘At their age, I wouldn’t have asked a company’s president how much they earn’

Lusia sells organic soaps of her own production online, Kinga is opening a shop with stories written by teenagers. Szymon is involved in the school’s Human Rights Club

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