They choose women as victims, for whom no one is waiting after crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border. Be careful at the border

‘A Ukrainian woman is standing at a reception desk, a child is hugging her, she does not know what to do, and suddenly a man comes up to her and says he will take her wherever she wants to go for free. This is not a moment in which the woman has a chance to think, to calculate the risk’, says Irena Dawid-Olczyk from the ‘La Strada’ Foundation

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A relationship with a psychophage. ‘He never hit me. He had other methods’.

A psychophage is a mirror. First, he phishes for information and finds out what you dream of, and then he becomes what you want him to be. And then he starts to destroy you

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Ula Chwedziak: My father told me to undress and lie down on the bed. I had to wait like that for him to come and punish me

‘I was two years old, I was playing with a balloon my grandfather gave me. My father must have been annoyed by this because he hit me and I ploughed into a bench. I cut my lips and damaged my teeth. My mum told the doctors it was my fault.’ Interview with Ula Chwedziak

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Angelman syndrome. Parents say that people marvel at their children on the street, saying, ‘How cheerful he is’. The parent replies, ‘He’s smiling because he’s sick’.

‘What parent would want their child to be called a puppet? I heard that when the diagnosis was made, when it turned out that Jacuś had Angelman syndrome.’ Interview with Michalina and Jacek, parents of Jacuś who suffers from Angelman syndrome

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Men have issues with women’s biology. People fear what they don’t understand

“The boss was watching the female employees using cameras. He told one of them, who just happened to be on her period so she used the toilet more often, ‘If you go to the restroom again, don’t bother coming back.’” Interview with Paulina Kirschke of the Julia Woykowska Foundation

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