Want to get a divorce? Find a lawyer who avoids going to court like the plague

‘Common sense begs the question of whether the betrayed spouse bears absolutely no responsibility for the condition of the relationship.’ Jacek Wasilewski, PhD in political science, media expert and journalist talks to lawyer and mediator Marcjanna Dębska

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Sentenced to waiting

For many of her loved ones, a relationship with an inmate would be unthinkable. That’s why few people know about it

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Hypnobirthing. ‘I felt like the most beautiful goddess and the strongest warrior’

‘I became interested in hypnobirthing because I wanted to somehow manage the pain that everyone was telling me about, and I felt that birthing school wasn’t enough for me. It worked, after giving birth I felt like the most beautiful goddess and the strongest warrior’. Interview with Beata Meinguer-Jedlińska*, perinatal coach and initiator of the Blue Childbirth idea

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Let yourself go and celebrate the New Year. Others annoy us less when we are forgiving to ourselves

A stable self-esteem provides us with peace of mind, it protects us from a multitude of ruminative thoughts: about what someone else thought of us, whether we did everything right, and from sad beliefs that we are good for nothing

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Parents say that they don’t want to get angry at their child and that it definitely won’t happen again. And in the morning it’s the same

‘Making changes in your own life is not just about dealing with the past, but also about learning new skills and behaviours’. Interview with Agnieszka Stein and Małgorzata Stańczyk, authors of the book ‘Zbudujmy sobie wioskę’ [Let’s Build a Village].

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