Be Happier Than Me, Little Daughter

On October 11, we are celebrating the International Day of the Girl Child

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How to Raise Girls

As a mother of little girls, I felt that I was expected to discipline and silence my daughters. No way

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Daughters Want Partnership

If according to scientists one spank is enough to change a child’s psyche, what can 15 years of humiliation and beating do to a woman?

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While a man “can help,” a woman always “has to”. Relieving women should start at home

A woman who raises children and does all the housework is said to be “sitting at home”. Sitting. Those who work professionally are often reproached for not paying enough attention to their home and their children. This needs to change. Relieve women. In every sense

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Intimacy Coordinators: The times when the director demands nude scenes from actresses are over

“In theatre, we have become used to the fact that the director has more to say than the others. Sometimes it’s worth asking when nudity is a means really necessary to achieve the director’s intended goal, and when actors are undressed for some other reason.” Interview with Agnieszka Róż and Zhenya Alexandrova, intimacy coordinators

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