Sex is fun

Enough saying that if you give us women freedom, we will start sleeping around.

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We, single mothers, do not always cope on our own

"I'll show everyone how brave I am." This means: I will clench my teeth, forget about the right to rest and I do everything to make my home, my children and my professional life seem perfect. Because I don't want anyone to think that I can't make it on my own.

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What is that? Porn? You are a sex addict!

Women, unfortunately, ration sex very often, using it as a bargaining chip.

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I’m not a “before” photo

More and more body-positive Internet users go to war with the cult of metamorphoses

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We want princes and princesses, and then suddenly the prince starts to earn less and has to give up his horse

“I had to deal with a situation where a man died in an accident and his wife did not have any, even basic information about the account”, says mediator Beata Branc-Gorgosz. It is crucial that we talk. Also about money.

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