Before giving birth, breasts are a sexual attribute, so women cover them up. In the maternity ward, this shame disappears

I ask my students to lie down on the gynaecological bed and spread their thighs apart. This already causes great discomfort in them, and they aren't even naked – they're wearing a uniform.

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Patients lack words to talk about their sexual organs. This is also a reason for shame before the interview

Silence makes us lonely. It is then difficult to receive support, help, or advice in overcoming difficulties.

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Love cooperative

We put in effort and build capital together. And the final outcome is up to me as a co-op member.

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Calendar of the gains of feminism: this is how women achieved independence

“My wife has presented me with eight beautiful children; is not this a better life work than that of exercising the right of suffrage?” – this question was once posed to Elizabeth Cady Stanton by a man after her lecture on women’s rights. Stanton, a mother of seven, looked him meaningfully up and down before responding, “I know of few men worth repeating eight times.”

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Thirteen wins. For now

When did God create man? When she realised that vibrators couldn’t dance.

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