Oops, is this what we wanted?

Let’s be honest, a lot of women aren’t as desperate to find independence as a caravan may be when searching for water.

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Battle for the table

The space of our homes is no longer exclusive. Not only relatives have access to it, but more and more often also strangers: our husband’s or wife’s conference participants or teachers.

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Women’s midlife crisis. Most of us silence questions such as “what’s all this for” with comforting distractions: work, sex, trips. But the fear remains

The second half of life is not the time for declaring values any more. Enough has happened in life for us to find out who we really are.

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She’s always sulking

Devote 15 minutes to this text, and you’ll understand why.

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Relationship fallen apart? Lost your fortune? Been fired? You have to live through it, sometimes even mourn

Young couples come to me and are often surprised that a relationship with another person involves concessions: “My wife doesn’t want to have sex after giving birth. How come?”, “The baby keeps crying at night and I can’t sleep. I can’t stand it any more!”.

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