I will torment my body to ease my soul. How to learn to accept yourself and your body

The body serves us throughout our lives, it’s part of us, so why do we dislike it so much, why don’t we respect it? What is body positivity and body neutrality, and what makes us not live in harmony with our own bodies?

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Gratitude is for adults

I am delighted to be able to observe a generation of 20-30-year-olds who have a very good contact with their parents. They want to give and they can take, precisely because no one has blackmailed them with this gratitude.

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Why is Masha jackboot crushing the bear?

Far too often people give themselves the right to express their anger in an aggressive way.

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Her aunt takes a piece of elastic and measures Magda’s thigh. “You can’t be that fat,” she says. Magda is then ashamed of her legs all her life.

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Just do what I say and everything will be fine

Tell someone that you’re in pain. What will a Pole do? Deluge you with advice and ready-made solutions.

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