Transmenstruation: “I have ovaries, so I menstruate. Even though I'm not a woman”

It's not true that only women menstruate. Trans men – with beards, a low voice, and a receding hairline – go to the men's toilets to change their tampons

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How to remain a man today

In my practice, I have recently started to meet women who describe their relationship as friendly, but devoid of passion. They realise that something is missing when they fall madly in love with a work colleague.

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Violence is a choice. It’s always the decision of the person who uses it

There’s a prevailing myth that the perpetrator wants to hurt their victim. The classic perpetrator doesn’t want to hurt, for them it is only a tool: they hurt to achieve a goal, that is, power and control.

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Officer, my wife beat me up

Even the best-trained policeman, when he hears something like that, will only grin.

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I had an A in self-flagellation

Women are genetically conditioned to burn out, while men stay calm.

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