‘Hey, we are going to get through this together’

How to make sure that talking about money will not turn into blaming yourself and others.

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I had to work on my courage

Women do not even try to assess the risk, they withdraw from the start. And even if we fail, the situation makes us wiser, stronger. We're closer to our goal.

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I often hear: “If I give money to my child, they will spend it in two days.” Then let them do it! Next time they'll think twice about it.

"We should also remember that children do what we do. If we waste money, we should not be surprised when our children do the same. And if we are economical, compare the prices and weights of products – our children will learn to do it as well. I still remember the sad eyes of my friend's son when, after opening a packet of crisps, he saw how much air was inside.” 

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It is quite simple. If you don't work, you don't have

After the romantic stage – “I pay for dinner and candles” – there must be a practical stage. Joint or separate account? Who pays for tiles and who for custom-made furniture? How much debt do you have? And what loans?

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"She's angry because she’s on her period." Six myths around menstruation that are still doing great

Menstruation is still connected with many myths and stereotypes. "She is angry today because she’s on her period", "Is it because you’re due your period that you are so angry?" - These are irritating things that men say, but we women also self-stereotype, according to Kulczyk Foundation’s new report on period poverty and stigma in Poland.

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