Women’s self-help as an answer to the crisis

Women in isolation are building an alternative reality in which selfless help is not considered lame and kindness brings more joy than money.

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You are a cyborg, girl!

When you're at home with your children, you acquire competencies that will be useful at work in an office, a hospital, a school, a store or a company. Do not forget to put it on your resume.

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Let’s keep the stress down

It’s easier for a young mother to return to work if the boss understands what she’s going through and her colleagues help her get back on track.

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Why let in competition?

The world of leaders is male. Expertise is not enough, because it is simply arranged in a masculine way. They have their own language, their own affairs.

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Family is a lifetime deal

It is important to be empathetic not only to the person we're talking to, but also to ourselves. If we do not show empathy towards ourselves, we will not be able to show it to the other person.

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