“I used to believe that we shared our responsibilities fairly.” In closed apartments, men are beginning to appreciate women

The average man of the house devotes only just over two and a half hours a day to cooking, cleaning and childcare, while his partner spends almost five hours doing the same. The coronavirus has made men spend more time at home and get to know women’s everyday lives better.

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What can you see under the lens of your home microscope? A tender revolution at home

Do you want to be heard? Listen. Want more understanding? Try to understand. Want more straightforward conversations? Say it in a straightforward manner.

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Freedom, equality and tenderness begin at home

Coronavirus has managed to do what neither politicians nor feminists have been able to achieve: for the first time in history, millions of fathers around the globe are sitting at home and having to look after their children.

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A relationship during a pandemic. We can use this time to focus on our emotional wellbeing

The compulsory quarantine or the need to share space seven days a week is something completely new for many couples. We can treat it as a time to reflect on our emotions. And we may come out of it having gained something, says Magdalena Śmieja, PhD.

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Bonds in relationships: if we don’t show our sensitive side, it is difficult to achieve real closeness

If our parents have not given us their attention, care and tenderness, we have a great tolerance for being in relationships where we also do not experience these important things. This is because what is known to us, although unpleasant, is easier for us to accept – psychologist Małgorzata Bielak talks about the patterns we follow and pattern therapy.

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