‘Dad will be mum, mum will be the child, and the child will be dad.’ Equality in relationships can be trained. Here’s a game for the whole family

Start by telling each other how you see your loved ones in the family. The children can state each of their parent’s responsibility.

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If we want changes, we must be brave. But this implies certain costs. Are you ready for them?

It may happen in a flash, it may be a sudden enlightenment or it may be a long process. The moment we feel that we don’t actually like the division of household chores. “No more baking cakes for Christmas!”, our inner self yells. Once we realise this, that’s already half the battle won. Now we must bring about the change with tenderness, kindness and wisdom. I am talking with Joanna Chmura, a life coach, about how to go through this process. To inspire changes, we have prepared some exercises that will get you going. In the right direction, of course.

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Being there for someone. Dominika Kulczyk on helping others and her life during the pandemic

Dominika Kulczyk donated PLN 20 million to the Doctors for Doctors Foundation (Fundacja Lekarze Lekarzom) to support medical and health-care services in their fight against the coronavirus pandemic. The funds were used to purchase 57 tonnes of equipment such as face masks, protective gowns, safety glasses and face shields.

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Dominika Kulczyk: We need more tenderness for what is inside and around us

We are continuously seeking to understand what is happening to our world, and we end up spreading our arms helplessly. One thing is certain, after the pandemic we will wake up in a different reality.

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The countries which are best at dealing with the coronavirus epidemic have one thing in common: they are ruled by women

The fight against coronavirus is uneven. But throughout the world, women are winning it. Female leaders prioritise openness, empathy and attention. These traits have never been especially valued in politics. Until now.

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