
Differences are a great strength. You just have to stop being afraid of them

Everyone wants to be unique and special. So why is it so hard for us to accept that we are different? Cyprian Kamil Norwid, a polish poet, said that, as humans, “we only know how to argue and love, we don’t know how to differ beautifully and strongly”


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I want it but do I need it? What happens when desires become needs?

We’re used to most material things being available to us; if something doesn’t feel right, we can just change it. So, we change jobs, cars, apartments. How do we react when we can’t meet basic needs, such as seeing loved ones or moving around? Can we adapt?


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I’m hungry, so I’m eating. I’m sad, so...? Can we recognise and satisfy our needs?

Our needs change with age and life experience. We also feel them in different ways, because we’re all different. What we have in common is the need to meet our needs. So, how do we learn to recognise and satisfy them?

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Pluck up the courage and ask for help. International Day of Kids Helplines

Asking for help often requires a lot of courage. We can’t always open up, even to a loved one. We are ashamed, afraid and  we may not want to burden them with our problems; this is why it’s sometimes easier to ask a stranger for help. Helplines are staffed by specialists who can be contacted anonymously, by adults and by children.


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