There are no problems, there are only challenges! How to help children build their mental resilience?

Mental resilience is like a shield that protects us against the surprises of the outside world. It turns problems into challenges. How to build and support mental resilience in children?


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Do you want to know how your child feels? Ask them what they dream about

“If you can dream it, you can do it”, said Walt Disney. What do children dream about? And what do they need dreams for, anyway?


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A challenge for today… prepare a meal together! Joy, strength and well-being guaranteed

When we sit at a table together, we are able to devote our time to each other and no one else. This is our time to build and nurture family ties. Especially now, during a pandemic, let’s not forget about healthy, regular meals. A well-nourished body deals with infections better.


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How Kate became a pilot. Does gender have to influence the choice of a profession?

“Dad! I want to be a teacher!” exclaims the son. “Mum! I’m gonna be a firefighter!” says her daughter. Small children don’t bother dividing occupations into male and female ones. They want to do what they like. Older children often fall into the trap of patterns and limitations. It’s a pity...


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