I beg to differ! Why teach children to express their own opinions

We like having our own opinions, but we don’t always have the courage to express it. It’s the same with children. For them, the need to belong can be stronger than critical thinking. How to teach them courage in expressing their own opinions?


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I think I know how you feel. Empathy exercises not only for children

Uttering “that’s okay” through clenched teeth when juice gets spilled all over our computer, can tell a child more about our emotions than words. It’s time for another training in empathy that will help you practise recognising feelings and emotions and allow you to analyse the attitude you adopt during a conversation. This may prove useful not only in contact with the child.


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Boldly, yet prudently. How can we help a child act wisely?

Overcoming fear and shyness. Objecting to injustice. Admitting your mistakes. These are bold acts which we can perform every day. How do we become fearless in everyday life?

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Why is it worth talking about courage? And does being careful pay off?

Courage is a bit like tightrope walking. You need to find a perfect balance to avoid dangerous bravado as well as falling into the precipice of excessive caution. This is why it’s worth teaching children how to behave in a given situation. And how to take responsibility for one’s own actions.


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