Choreography for dusting. How to organise sport at home?

Sport is not just physical exercise. It’s also a lesson in patience and teamwork. We now have limited opportunities to do sport, but we can still come up with ways to exercise. You can create your own home disciplines, express yourself in an unusual way by means of movement and thus develop your strengths. And work well as a team!

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Spring cleaning at home and in your head. How to check the division of roles in the family?

A new situation, new responsibilities, new... mess. The situation in which we find ourselves and, more to the point, the need to combine many responsibilities, can be tiring. Especially since the circumstances for their fulfilment are more difficult. It’s time to clean up! We’re proposing activities that will help you gain perspective, analyse your roles and the way you perceive them.


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Family leisure schedule or a moment just for yourself? How not to forget to rest in a frenzy of everyday duties?

Days fly by and we often think about rest only when we run out of steam. But you need to recharge somehow. Relaxation options are limited now, but you can organise something even at home and still put it in the calendar. We simply need rest!


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Instead of dos and don’ts – set the rules together. How to create safe frameworks and rituals in the family?

We stay home day after day. This time shows us how we deal with relationships with our loved ones. Can we get along or are there conflicts? And if so, why? It might be worth thinking about new rules that will help everyone feel safe.


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