“Good girl” or “rascal”? Avoid labels because they stick for a long time!

Labels stick for a long time and a child's potential and interests may change. Trying new things, testing, and experimenting are activities that help you find your way. A teacher is a natural and important guide. It is important that they encourage children to walk their own paths, not the beaten track.

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Mum cooks? No – we cook together!

Rules are important, but when they are too rigid, they can be very restrictive. Stereotypes are easily reproduced by children, but they can also be harmful. To ensure that a child develops in accordance with their own potential, it is important to build a safe atmosphere that allows them to get to know themselves. Children need help in expanding their field of choice: thanks to their imagination and curiosity, they test their own possibilities in new activities, tasks, and areas.

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“Better” and “worse” gender

What messages permeate our culture? How do they affect the perception of roles and tasks of men and women? Who is their transmission channel?

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Freedom at home, freedom in life. How to take care of it every day?

“Freedom I love and understand” is a lyric of a Polish song. The ‘I’ is important here, meaning that each of us can perceive freedom differently. What is freedom to you?


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