The postpartum period is a massive change in the body. Women ask about pregnancy and childbirth, but there is silence when it comes to the postpartum period

‘I would put Marysia to my breast for a few days, and every time I thought I was doing it for the last time, that I couldn’t take it any more.’ Interview with Dr Anna Parzyńska, gynaecologist

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Employers Breaking Taboos

Does it perpetuate the stereotype of the weaker sex, or does it address the specific needs of women? The conversation about menstrual leave revolves around these two central points. It is virtually non-existent in Poland yet, even though the first companies have already introduced a menstrual leave policy for their female employees.


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The Age of Hierarchy is Over: Time for Empathy

Sońta: The fact that various groups of workers benefit from different solutions should not be seen as unfair.

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Why would women be ‘weak’?

‘A career should never clash with motherhood and femininity. It should be the goal of all employers and legislators to facilitate alignment of these areas of life’, said Jacek Olechowski, CEO of MEDIACAP, without a shadow of doubt.

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We are cyclical – and can be proud of it. The weaker sex? Try again.

‘We should take a close look at our companies and think whether we would really like out mother, sister or daughter to work there’, asked Dominika Kulczyk in our questionnaire. The President of the Kulczyk Foundation and Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Polenergia is the initiator of the ‘Career Cycle’ programme. In the following issues of Gazeta Prawna, we will be asking CEOs and owners of companies that join the campaign about the issue of gender equality and what hinders women’s careers today.

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