Menstruation takes up five years of a woman's life. Well-chosen hygiene products will ensure that it will not be a time of discomfort

“You can really effectively combat pain and heavy bleeding during menstruation, to make sure that this time is not lost, or does not lead to absences from school or work. The hygiene products that women have at their disposal also help in this.” An interview with a gynaecologist, Hanna Szweda, MD

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When a girl has no money for a sanitary pad, she doesn't go anywhere. Neither out to the yard nor to school

Fortunately, there are Scottish people whose country is the first in the world to provide sanitary pads in every public place. They will be available for free.

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Przemysław Pohrybieniuk: I buy tampons and menstrual cups for my daughters. I am not ashamed to talk about menstruation

"42 percent of women did not talk and do not talk about menstruation at home. This is appalling. We want menstruation to cease to be an issue for consideration." An interview with Przemysław Pohrybieniuk, Managing Director of the Kulczyk Foundation.

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Period pain

I would say to non-believers: "Imagine the strongest pain you've ever experienced – for example, when you broke your leg or passed a kidney stone – and then consider that a period can hurt like that too".

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During menstruation, the body demands peace and relaxation

During menstruation, the uterus should empty itself, the blood must have a free outlet, and some forms of exercise can make this difficult.

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