Comeback to the Domino Effect Workshop: about water

Do you know how important it is for our body to be properly hydrated? What and how often should we drink in order to keep fit? Which drinks to avoid? All of that could be learned by the children who took part in the educational-culinary workshops “Drink – it’ll do you good!”, organized in the Domino Effect Workshop.


Construction of educational infrastructure in Namibia

Kulczyk Foundation supports SEPO (Sepo Community Based Organization) operating in Namibia, thanks to which the children living close to Katima Mulilo city will soon be able to study in better conditions.


13th Mastercard OFF CAMERA – the film September not only in Krakow

Between 11th and 25th September on the platform the 13th edition of Mastercard OFF CAMERA Festival will be held. This is as long as 15 festival days and a new formula – the cinema from all around the world, the most interesting series and creators who have the courage to make their new way and use their own film language. Our foundation is the Main Partner of the event. As every year, as part of the Polish Feature Films Competition one of the Polish productions will be granted the Kulczyk Foundation Award.


Programmers in the Domino Effect Workshop

On 30th June in the Domino Effect Workshop we were hosting young scientists from Warsaw University of Technology, the creators of an application for the children from orphanages – They created a wonderful tool thanks to which young people entering adulthood will be able to find necessary help and support.
