Let’s teach boys to ask for help and talk about emotions

‘Adolescence is a time when, in order to understand a child well, we sometimes have to remind ourselves what it was like. But not by explaining that I made it, so you’ll make it too, but more deeply, by wondering what I actually experienced’, says Barbara Pietruszczak, the author of the first Polish body-positive guide for pubescent boys.

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Dad on paternity leave? Some have suggested that’s not very manly.

I could really know everything about our child, and yet I felt like an incompetent parent in the eyes of many people. This may be specific to Poland, but most of us assume that parenting is a mother and her child

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The End of Symbiosis

There are many women who associate breastfeeding with a state of bliss, and the thought of ending it is associated with loss

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Stumps, shrubs, birds

The cool thing is that when something is going on, people don’t say, ‘Jesus, what for?’, they simply say, ‘Jesus, that’s cool!’.

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So as not to be another breast to be cut out

In the workshop, a girl impersonated my illness. We stood in front of each other. She looked deep into my eyes. And then she suddenly knelt down. She started crying. And repeated: ‘I won’t kill you! I won’t! I’m just here to teach you something’. Łukasz Pilip talks with Magdalena Bator and Weronika Szwejk, who run the Stacja Czułość [Tenderness Station] foundation for cancer patients and their families.

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