I cannot tell my daughter how a person feels when menstruating, but I know where to buy tampons or pads, and that sometimes you need painkillers.

W Chile poszliśmy do ginekologa. Rozmawialiśmy też z położną. Powiedziała: „Ty już jesteś ojcem”. Kontynuowaliśmy swoją podróż. A ja zaczynałem swoją podróż w ojcostwo.

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It’s worth telling your daughter: you have a vagina. Health requires breaking taboos

Even to a six-year-old child, you should say directly: “You have a penis”, “you have a vagina”. Parents should work on children’s trust, be open to their questions. 

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MILF, “mummy” is the most viewed porn category in Poland. Many men fantasise about mothers

A few months ago, one of the liberal portals reacted with indignation to the news that a policewoman, a mother of three, had received an official order to give her supervisor a “blowjob”. I have the impression that the most important thing in this message was that this order was given to a MOTHER.

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Don’t be silent

In a situation in which someone on the street grabs our buttock, we return home helpless, all we can do is cry. But it’s a learned response. The idea is to come to a point at which your natural response will be to scream loudly.

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The Generous Woman is fed up

We men have enormous possibilities: there are a hundred delighted women ready to look after every lost, sensitive man with puppy eyes

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