Let's talk

If ex-partners suddenly become best friends, I wonder if they really broke up.

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The daughters are watching

It is very difficult to be a teenager today. I don't know if you realise how difficult. If you have a teenage daughter, sister, cousin and granddaughter – help her grow up in this strange, ruthless world.

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When a woman is guided by a masculine, violent vision of success, she keeps scoring own goals

In many women, the voice of the patriarchy continues unabated. Despite their feminist views, they experience many dilemmas, feelings of guilt and the need for control around their body and sexuality.

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Try to live an ordinary life

The need for the extraordinary ends with hyper-individualism and an escape from community life.

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When a woman is afraid of something, she accumulates a lot of black. It is the colour of hiding behind clothes

"What you wear describes your emotions, needs and state of mind. And vice versa: the chosen outfit can give you agency or take away the energy to act," says Sylwia Antoszkiewicz, image advisor, designer and stylist.

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