How not to lose touch with elderly people

Talking to elderly people is often a challenge. Loneliness, illnesses, fear and anxiety accompany them every day, and often difficult life experiences make it easier for them to focus on the sad and overwhelming things. The more often we talk about difficult things, the worse we feel.

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Just like us

We cannot blackmail or force them. They have the right to decide how they want to live and how and when they want to leave.

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Something personal

After my first miscarriage, I wanted to get pregnant quickly. It is said that women often do that – they want to prove to themselves and to others that they are able to do it.

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A “whore” has to survive somehow

12-year-old girls already hear vulgar comments about their bodies, are harassed and grabbed. How do adults react? “Pretend you can't hear it, it's nothing, boys will be boys”.

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I like my period

My period doesn't hurt. It's nice. It wasn't always like this.

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