A body full of shame

It’s in your breasts, in your stomach, in your crotch. It’s there during menstruation and breastfeeding. You’re wearing it all the time. Ever since you were a kid, you’ve been wearing that shame like a stiff corset.

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We don’t talk about ‘that’

A girl who thinks about blood dripping from her, first, skips classes, and then quits school. We all pay for period poverty.

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I cut up my T-shirts and put them in my underwear. Women who have always had enough money for pads don’t know what a privilege it is to have them

I wrote about it on the web. Girls sent me pictures of their home-made pads: rolled up toilet paper or a piece of cardboard and a sock stretched over it. Cut up T-shirts. A cloth, foil, cardboard.

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What should I do if I hear at school, “It’s so nice when a girl gives a presentation in a skirt”?

I live in a well-developed European country. Women don’t get the worst of it here. There are countries where inequality between men and women is the norm. But does that make discrimination hurt Polish women any less?

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Guardians of the patriarchy

A quarter of the oldest women believe that sex is a wife’s responsibility. Grandmothers were taught that if a man wants to go to bed with you here and now, you have no choice but to agree.

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