A sick heart beats steadily

Loneliness is not a lack of people around you, but a lack of a bond with them.

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Every fifth household in Poland is made up of one person. How do we not submit ourselves to loneliness?

It has become the symbol of our modern times. Loneliness is one of the most common causes of depression and many other diseases.

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The scar will remain

“There’s a deficit here that you need to work on”? This way, the patient slides even deeper into misery. I prefer to direct light and energy towards places that I can turn into solid foundations.

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“I told the police woman that my dad hit me. But I was the one who had been naughty.” Children of abusers feel guilty

“I was lying down facing the sofa and all I could think about was protecting my face from the blows and kicks,” she would say. My mother-in-law would tell me, “Give him another chance. A child should have a father.”

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Choreographed dance broke me. Yet, I never stopped dancing. I just did it at home

“I mostly remember my body and myself being disrespected, having my hair pulled by my ponytail, knees digging into my shoulder blades and my spine being stretched, being pressed down while working on the splits. These kinds of trauma stay with your body for a long time.”

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