Loving, firm, tired. How to be a mother in your own way?

“I want to be like my mother”, “I don’t want to be like my mother”. It doesn’t matter which approach to motherhood you choose, it’s important that it’s yours. I talk to Joanna Chmura, a psychologist and a coach, about how to find your own path and not get trapped in stereotypes associated with being a mum.

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Our perception of sex is based on our own limited research: some from porn and some from our peers when we were teens. We don’t talk about it openly or honestly

When people start talking about sex, regardless of whether they are conservative, liberal or leftist, their sex becomes better.

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Taboo, stigma and superstition: A report on menstruation in Poland

Menstruation is still a taboo. 40% of women make sure that nobody sees them going to the toilet with a sanitary napkin or tampon. Every third one of us makes sure that nobody knows we are on our period, and 14% of women are afraid that a friend will see that they are buying sanitary napkins.

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Keep your knees together

Inequality starts at home. A menstruating girl can be treated as if she is burdened with her physiology, unlike her brother. Or the other way round: she is relieved from her duties because “it’s that time of the month”.

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A mother’s identity

You have to go a long way from being somebody’s child to being somebody’s parent.

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