Differences are beautiful? Maybe on paper!

His maxim is the old Buddhist saying, “When your roof burns down, you have a beautiful view of the sky.” His wife criticises such proverbs harshly: “If your roof burned down, you were probably being irresponsible and in the future, you should use your head more.”

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The white glove test won’t make you feel better

“You trip over it but you won’t pick it up! You wear it once and throw it in the washing! All I do is clean up after everybody! Not in a minute, now! It’s lunchtime, not breakfast-time!”

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You’re a man? Cry all you want

If all our childhoods we are trained that our feelings are “girly”, we tend to live our lives behind masks.

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We asked the following: What will be the first thing you will do for yourself and your loved ones when the pandemic is over?

Dear virus, when you’re gone, I’ll go to my parents’ house, I’ll lie on the beach without a mask, I’ll see my granddaughter’s smile.

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The time capsule

We were going to visit our parents, call our friends, take a course in “something cool”, take our family on a trip into the unknown, or finally see the crocuses blooming in the mountains with our own eyes. We have ideas that we would like to put into practice, changes that we would like to introduce in our lives, but we postpone them because we need more time, strength, or resources.

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