During the quarantine, for the first time in years, I really felt I was a lone mum, not a self-dependent mum

I’d like to be able to admit to myself that I have the right to weaknesses. That it’s okay not to manage in life. Especially now that the world’s turned upside down.

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Dominika Kulczyk: Let no one tell you how to live your life

When the pandemic paused the world, we also paused. It took humility and silence to accept this new norm, and to survive in it. Seek inner wisdom and accept ourselves for our choices, what impresses us and what we reject, to build good relationships with the world – with tenderness.

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Borys Szyc, father of eighteen-month-old Henryk: I’ve been given an extraordinary moment, I don’t have any distractions

Locked up at home, sometimes we get sick of each other. Such a situation is also an opportunity to stop, take a closer look at the relationships prevailing in our homes and balance them.

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You’re like Einstein, now go and put it in the washing machine

Let’s remember that what usually annoys us in others is what we recognise within ourselves, but don’t accept.

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