Children are talking about loneliness and aggression appearing in their homes. Coronavirus has shaken their world, too

A mum can do something even if she has lost her job. A child can’t do anything. They hear there will be no holiday trip and no summer camp. All this makes them angry, frustrated and anxious.

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Tenderness is an anaesthetic. Partners who feel tenderness towards each other can find it easier to overcome crises

When we see what mechanisms rule our family and relationship, we can do something with it. Interview with Dorota Ziółkowska-Maciaszek, a couple psychotherapist at the Rozwód? Poczekaj! (Divorce? Wait!) Foundation.

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Prof. Iga Magda: Some women, when they start to earn more than their partner, take on more domestic chores

The crisis is mainly affecting women. It is women who are overrepresented in care-related professions and other public-facing occupations which exposes them to infections. Also,  they are losing jobs or part of their income and there has been an increase in domestic duties with the education of their kids now falling on their shoulders. Interview with Prof. Iga Magda.

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Mine, yours or ours? How ‘relationship circles’ help us check our share of household chores and pleasures in a relationship

“I hoovered yesterday, now it’s your turn.” “But I did the shopping, again.” We are all familiar with such disputes. But what if we take a look at what each of us does at home in a calm and friendly way? A circle-drawing exercise might be helpful.

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Who is going to take the garbage out and clean the toilet? The game “Family Bank” will help distribute the household chores. No one will lose

The “Family Bank” is a game for those who want to introduce a conscious and fair distribution of household duties. You are the ones who decide how the game is played and how it ends.

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